Transitional Consulting

When you love your pastor and your pastor loves you!

As a Transitional Consultant, I can help your church navigate needed changes as well as discern where changes might be helpful.

For example, an outside voice is often helpful as a moderator or facilitator for difficult discussions, especially those that involve changes to the role or compensation of a beloved staff member or an end to a meaningful program due to budget limitations. The good news is that neither of these situations are necessarily bad in the big picture; rather, when well-navigated and transparently implemented, each can lead to new ministry opportunities and greater engagement across generations.

Your church may also be wondering “What’s next?” as the congregation’s oldest generation retires from active work, leaving fewer members of the church available for ongoing work. A short-term dreaming process could reveal possibilities for ministry that allow members to participate using their gifts of time, talent, and treasure in new ways that change lives and show others the love of God in action.

By creating together a custom program that meets the needs and personality of your congregation, we can help your church do change well with faith, hope, and love. And very likely, fun and laughter along the way!

To request a consultation, please contact me via email or phone as noted below. Initial consultations can be onsite within 50 miles of Pawtucket or via video call or phone for all. Travel beyond 50 miles for programs can be negotiated.